If you experience an error during registration, you can click here for a video which details registering via an invitation email, as well as from your well-being program's login page.
Below are a few things you can also try to help resolve the situation.
- Note that spouse eligibility will vary by program. Spouses must register using the employee ID (or the last four digits of the social security number, if cited specifically on the registration form) of the primary benefits holder.
Hire/Benefits Enrolled/Program Eligibility Date
Please allow two weeks from your hire/benefits enrollment date or from otherwise becoming eligible for your program, for your information to appear in our system and being able to activate your account.
Employee ID
Take note of any possible prefix or suffix to the employee ID, such as leading or trailing zeroes, or other symbols or characters, such as dashes. You can try your employee ID with or without these elements.
If you are unsure of your employee ID, you might be able to locate it on a paystub or other documentation. Otherwise, we recommend reaching out to your program provider/employer's HR/benefits department for assistance with confirming that information.
Spouses must register using the employee ID (or the last four digits of the social security number, if cited specifically on the registration form) of the primary benefits holder.
Double check your entries
Make sure all fields on the registration form are entered correctly. Names and employee ID are validated against what your program provider/employer has given us, so be sure to use what is on file with their HR/benefits department, such as a legal name versus a nickname, or alternate spelling, spacing or punctuation of your name. Also be sure that dates and email addresses are formatted properly.
Make sure your web browser is compatible and up-to-date
Aduro supports the following web browsers:
- Google Chrome 62 or newer
- Safari 11 or newer
- Microsoft Edge 12 or newer
Clear your web browser history/cache or use a different device
If you're on a shared computer or device, clear the web browser’s history/cache, including cookies, before trying to register your account.
Better yet, log on using a different computer or device that is not shared with any other user.
Check your internet connectivity, or try a different connection
If actions are slow or blocked, check your internet connection by sending/receiving a text or chat. You might try a different connection to the internet, such as your employer’s network, home internet provider, smart phone data connection instead of wifi, etc.
Password requirements
As for passwords, confirm that all the requirements are checked off as met, and that the passwords match.
QR code option
If registering an Aduro account via the Aduro Mobile App, use the QR code option only if you have received specific communication regarding it.
Terms and Conditions
Click the appropriate checkbox to indicate that you accept the terms and conditions.
If you need assistance with your well-being program or program account, please submit a help request. Click the chat icon (speech bubble) in the lower right corner of the page to connect with a live agent, or click the Submit a Request link at the top of the page, and we'll respond as soon as possible. When submitting a help request, please include the following information as applicable:
- Your name
- Email address associated with your well-being program account
- Your phone number and time zone (we'll need to speak to you personally for account, personal, or protected health information issues)
- Your well-being program provider/employer
- Device you’re using and the operating system
- Web browser you’re using and the version number, OR Aduro Mobile App version number (when logged in, tap the menu icon in the upper right)
- Step-by-step description of the issue, including the names of any Activities, Paths, etc. involved
- Screenshots that illustrate the issue, if possible
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