Activities are one of the primary modes for engaging in your well-being program. These offer one-time or ongoing opportunities to explore and experience different aspects of your well-being, encompassing a myriad of physical, mental, social, and financial aspects of your life.
Search for and join an Activity
For how to search for and join an Activity, click here.
Activity general troubleshooting
For general troubleshooting, click here.
How far back can I track an ongoing Activity?
The system allows members to track engagement up to two weeks prior using the < and > icons in the tracking display. However, as these types of activities are designed for regular engagement over a period of time, two weeks is the limit.
Can I reset an Activity?
While there is no way to reset an Activity once it's been completed, you can review the activity description and any included resources and links. For instructions on finding completed Activities and Paths, click here.
Did not receive points for an Activity
If you're using the program website, click here.
If you're using the Aduro Mobile App, click here.
Employer Verified Activity (EVA)
For information on an Employer Verified Activity (EVA), click here.
Find completed Activities
For instructions on finding completed Activities, click here.
How do I leave an Activity?
For instructions on leaving an Activity, click here.
If I leave an Activity, do I keep my points and progress?
For what happens when you leave an Activity, click here.
What if I've tracked an Activity by mistake?
We appreciate your desire to only receive credit once you've completed a given Activity, but please keep the points with our compliments.
Consider the points as a down payment on your eventual completion of this or other Activities on your journey of personal discovery and positive outcomes!
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