To explore the available Activities and find one that interests you, follow the steps below.
- Log in to your well-being program website.
- Click the Discover link in the upper right to go to the Discover page.
- On the Discover page, find the Activities section and click the View All link to the right.
- On the Activities main page, the Explore Activities section displays Activities you have not yet joined. At the bottom of this section, a Load More button will be displayed if there are additional Activities available.
- Click any Activity tile to see a detailed description of that Activity.
- Scroll down past the description and click on the Join button to join that Activity.
Aduro Mobile App
- Log in to the Aduro Mobile App.
- Tap the book (Discover) icon on the bottom bar to go to the Discover screen.
- A page labeled Content Types will appear the first time you access the Discover screen. You can swipe left and right to see descriptions of the different types of content. Use your device’s Back control to dismiss this page.
- On the Discover screen, the Activities section is just below the top of the page. Tap the View All link on the right.
- The All Activities screen displays all Activities you have not yet joined.
- Tap any Activity tile to see a detailed description of that Activity.
- Tap the X button or use your device’s Back control to exit the Activity tile and return to the previous screen, or scroll down past the description and tap on the Join button to join that Activity.
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