If you are trying to log in to our platform using SSO, and you see the following message: "We’re having trouble communicating with your company’s SSO provider. Please wait a few moments and try again,” this could be due to a number of factors:
- Slow internet connection.
- This particular action might be blocked due to network security settings.
- There is an issue with the SSO provider’s system.
- There is an issue with your SSO account and/or credentials.
Here are a few troubleshooting steps you might take:
- Try to log in to a different service or vendor that uses your company's SSO provider to confirm whether the SSO system is otherwise working.
- Try to log in using a different device and/or internet connection.
- Contact your SSO provider and/or IT department for assistance.
Please note that you can also log in to our platform using your Aduro account in the meantime.
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